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How to compress images online

We are often asked to compress images and upload them while filling out online applications such as GATE, UPSC, educational institutions, banking, and competitive exam forms where the database is collected and stored for future use. They set the prescribed limit on image size while accepting the online application. Image compression is a technique for […]

Why does WhatsApp reduce the quality of photos while sharing with others?

The WhatsApp server compresses the image when you share a picture through the app to make it easier to distribute (Lower the file size, faster the download at even slow internet speeds). Lowering the resolution may be necessary to compress an image’s size. decreasing the image quality as well. Because of this, picture quality drops […]


How SEO helped this startup reach 1.5 Crore Sales

SEO has become crucial for e-commerce websites to attain their business goal. With the revolution in the internet, smartphone, and banking industry, the way of doing business has changed. People like to look for information online before buying the actual product or service. The e-commerce website allows customers to seek information and order products at […]

What is Content Delivery Network and How Does it Work? What are the types and advantages?

It is only normal for someone who uses a computer, tablet, or smartphone to access the Internet to observe the variations in application and website performance in terms of speed, dependability, and user-friendliness. Why do some websites consistently crash when countless others operate well under comparable circumstances? Yeah, CDN is the reason why the performance […]

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