Category: Web devlopment

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UI/UX Design

Choosing the Right UI/UX Design Agency in Bangalore

When it comes to UI/UX design, you want a company with a track record. You want an agency that is aware of the most recent trends and technologies. Most crucial, you want an agency that knows your specific business requirements. Choosing the proper UI/UX agency can be difficult, but it is worthwhile to take the […]

The Art of Creating Irresistible Landing Pages: A Comprehensive Guide

It is not easy to create a competitive landing page that converts well. Many crucial factors to consider are based on psychological science and a good feel of what your clients want. Because landing pages have so many distinct aspects, there is no conventional approach to creating a decent landing page or a one-size-fits-all instruction […]

How to improve the UX of your mobile app?

The user experience(UX) of mobile Apps is the most important factor that indicates how much you care about your users. A poor UX design can lead to an increased bounce rate. A good quality UX design makes users feel as if they are interacting with someone.  Regular updates of UX design help retain active users […]

Top 6 Trending JavaScript Frameworks 2023

Javascript frameworks are essential tools for web developers, especially frontend developers to make their project work easy and organized. Over a hundred frameworks are available in the market, but only a few are popular due to their factors like ease of adoption, flexibility, cases of use, and performance. The selection of the JavaScript framework depends […]

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